
Storm heads into Weekend without star goaltender

Manfredi recalled to BCHL.

We knew it would be a matter of when rather than a matter of if.

Anthony Manfredi, the standout goaltender for the Kamloops Storm has been recalled by the Westside Warriors of the BCHL. Just turning 17, Manfredi has shown a consistent level of play that deserves a promotion.

With glittering statistics (6-3 record, 2.82GAA and 0.920 save %) Manfredi has carried the load and has been a huge part of the recent success of the Kamloops Storm. He was unbeaten at home.

Recently aquired Bobby Derksen, (0-1), from the Swan Valley Stampeders of the Manitoba Junior Hockey League, will now have to carry the load until the Storm (who released Cory Adkin of Kamloops recently) can find a suitable partner for him. We'll find out at game time who will be backing him up tonight in Kimberly.

The Kamloops Storm have struggled on the road so far this year with only 2 wins in 9 games and after Kimberley, face Creston in their barn this weekend. Bobby Derkson has a big task ahead of him. Let's hope he and the team are up for the task.

Good Luck to Anthony Manfredi. You will be missed. We wish you well.


Storm Blows by Grizzlies

Late Power Play Goal by Bullock caps Come-from-Behind Win

With the enforcement of the new rules this year, 5 on 3 situations appear to be the norm in the KIJHL. Kamloops was able to take advantage of questionable judgement from the Revelstoke bench to eek out a 3-2 come from behind win.

With Vincein Scott off for holding late in the 3rd, the Revelstoke bench took too long to send out their penalty killers, referee Rob Switzer lost his patience and slapped an additional 2 minutes on the board as a bench minor. The error was critical.

It left the Grizzilies 2 men short for the 2nd time in the period and it proved costly as Ryan Bullock finished off an nice passing play to beat Revelstoke goaltender Jordan Barry to take a permanent 3-2 lead.

It was the fifth time in the game that Revelstoke played with a 2 man disadvantage. It's not hard to do. Once a team is put in a short handed situation it appears quite easy to pick up a 2nd or even a 3rd penalty. And the referees a quite willing to call them. Kamloops also played 2 men short twice during the game.

Austin Goode, returning to the line-up after being a healthy scratch against Summerland, showed that he wanted to remain in the line-up by scoring the Storms first two goals, one on a power play and the game tying goal was completed 5 on 5 in the third period.

Revelstoke Jordan Barry was sensational stopping 42 of 45 shots while his counterpart at the other end, Storm puckstopper Anthony Manfredi was equally efficient this night allowing 2 goals on 33 shots.

The Storm is on the road this weekend in Creston and Kimberly and you should be able pick up the games on the KIJHL site, hosted by the home teams. Make sure you check the site ahead of time to see if there will be a broadcast.

Galbraith and Storm Breathe Sigh of Relief

Jamie Galbraith can breathe again and thats good news for him and the Storm.

He was back on the practice ice Tuesday, skating for the first time in over a week.
Galbraith had some testing done on Sunday regarding the fluid found around his heart that caused strong palpalations, shortness of breath and chest pains.

It appears that the swelling has subsided and Jamie feels much better. He will resume practicing for the rest of the week and is expected to be back in the line-up for the next home game against Sicamous.

We look forward to seeing him back.


Broadcast Survey - Need Your Help

In order for us to give you better service, we need to know how well you are receiving the broadcasts. We know that there have been a number of technological challenges and we would like to solve them with your help.

Here are a couple of quick survey questions to the fans who listen to the broadcasts(either home or away broadcasts), that would aid us in understanding how our feed program is being received.

Your feedback is appreciated. Just click the "Instant Survey" buttons and give us your answers. Feel free to add your thoughts through the comments button at the bottom of this posting. Please be brief and stick to the subject.

Thanks from the Kamloops Storm.

Instant Survey: When the team is on the road and we are able to get to the game, the broadcast is usually limited to guest spots on the broadcast. We need to know if you are getting them. Which guest appearance DID NOT come through as intended?

Instant Survey: We want to get better at delivering broadcast content to you. What would you like to hear more of between periods on the Storm HOME broadcasts?


Gutsy Performance Scores Win on the Road

Storm takes Sting out of Summerland in Division Showdown!

A confident Okanagan Shuswap division leading Summerland Sting hosted a desparate Kamloops Storm on Saturday night and in the end, desparation won out.

After losing 3 of its last 4 games (all on the road), including a disappointing 2-1 loss to division cellar-dwellers, Princeton, the night started off like the same old-same old. Although Kamloops played well during the first half of the first period, going stride for stride with Summerland. But after going 0-2 on the powerplay, Summerland cranked it up a notch and scored a power-play goal of their own and added another even strength goal just before the end of the period.

The second period saw Summerland control the play. Just after the 10 minute mark Kamloops had an opportunity in the Summerland zone but seemed to squander the chance when Summerland gained control and started out of the zone. As quick as you could blink an eye, a backchecking Lundy Trenamen and improving defenseman, David Osborne created a turnover. Ryan Bullock, who was deep on the original play was left standing by his lonesome in front of the net. The puck came quickly to him and he shot the puck literally through a startled Summerland goaltender, Hans Roshkosh. The Sting scored again before the end of the period but Kamloops appeared to be showing some inspiration.

The third period was the best period of hockey that the Storm has had all season. And led by the vets. Summerland was beginning to lose it's composure. They started off by taking 3 straight penalties and the Storm took advantage of 1 of them. Jassi Sangha, playing his best game on the road, popped one in from the front of the net.

Then, playing 5 on 5, the Storm's checking line of Martens, Edwards and Kirkam created a turnover in the Summerland zone and Martens buried a nice feed from Kirkham to tie the score.

Kamloops had the momentum and on a power-play around the 15:oo minute mark. Jassi Sangha picked up a loose puck in the Summerland zone and took a shot that Roshkosh kicked straight out to a waiting Ryan Bullock who potted his second goal of the game. Less than 5 minutes to go and the Storm had turned into a hurricane.

But not so fast...

With player-coach Justin Giroux in the sin bin for obstruction-holding, Summerland captain Mike Keller scored from the slot to tie the game at 17:06.
Was overtime in the cards tonight? NOooooo.

Enter the big ticket line of Sangha, Bullock and Young. Determined not to let this one get away, the trio controlled the puck over the Summerland blueline and by completing a beautiful tic-tac-toe play, Jake Young buried the winner with 1:40 remaining in the period. Summerland pulled their goaltender to no avail as a solid Anthony Manfredi shut the door to preserve the win.

In the end, it was as much Summerland's lack of discipline that turned the tide as they took 12-3rd period penalties to Kamloops 6. They looked tired as Kamloops top end speed finally tired a usually disciplined Sting team, forcing them into new-age penalties.

It was just the win they needed. In the right place, at the right time and by the players that needed show that they were the right guys. Good on them.


Side notes:

Assistant coach Justin Giroux came out of retirement and suited up for the Storm this weekend. He was a big presense in Princeton, Friday night while getting 2 misconducts, including a game ejection for hitting from behind.
On Saturday night Giroux settled down on the misconducts and played a solid game showing grit and strength on the blueline and accurate passing to moving forwards on the offensive breakout, something the team really needed to aid their offensive talent.

Rare Condition sidelines Galbraith

...Missed entire weekend

Utility forward/defenseman Jamie Galbraith was notably missing from the lineup this pass weekend. And it certainly wasn't because of poor play or lack of effort.

The popular and versitile player from Kamloops had been going through a routine practice sessions recently experiencing shortness of breath, pains in his chest and a racing heart. As his family was experiencing the sudden loss of his grandmother and as most hockey players are conditioned to play with some pain, Jamie kept to himself.

Needless to say there was reason for concern.

Finally, last weekend he spoke to his mother about the condition and she immediately took him to the emergency clinic and from there he was directed to the hospital where he found that there was a sac of fluid from his lung that was growing around his heart. He believes the doctor called it "paracardial effussion". And it could be serious.

At this point he has been left to treat the condition with rest. As of this writing, he is waiting for the results of a new x-ray/mri to see if the condition is subsiding. Hopefully so, because the other 2 options are a little more complicated. The good thing is that he is feeling better but is still short of breath. As always this good natured young man is optimistic that the rest will heal him in time.

No hurry Jamie. Most important , get better. We look forward to your return.

For more information on the subject you can search:
"fluid around the heart"
"paracardial effusion"




Poor Road Record spurs Question?

Who are our team leaders?
Storm Coach Bryant Perrier

"Fish or cut bait"... that's the old saying that appears to apply to some of the more senior players on the Kamloops Storm when it comes to leadership and commitment. In 7 road games so far they have eeked out a measely 3 points.

"We just don't have anyone other than Jake (Young) who is willing to carry the ball and he can't do it by himself" a frustrated coach Perrier said after the first 2 losses of the 3 game road swing through the Kootenay's this past weekend.

"Some of these guys have got to step up to the plate and show the young guys some leadership, I mean what kind of example are they setting?"

Perhaps some of his message got through in time for the Golden game when Ryan Bulloch and Jassi Sanga pulled the trigger to jump-start the team to a solid 4-2 win. There are 5 players on the team that are 19 or 20 years old and who pretty much know that this is the level that they will end their competitive careers. However, if they have chosen to play they have also chosen to commit to their teamates. Treating road trips on the bus like a poker party on wheels gives the wrong message to the younger kids who still want to make it to the next level.

On the ice, one area of concern is the lack of communication during play.

"They just don't seem communicate with each other yet... we've even tried team building sessions regarding communication... it's something we need to keep working on" commented Perrier.

I know it's something that the coaches and ownership will be keeping an eye on as the Storm have another 4 road games before the end of the month.

written by Dave Ouellette, Internet Broadcaster for the Kamloops Storm


Tough Weekend for 2 Points

Busted in Fernie - Polished in Golden

After a road weary performance on Friday night the Storm moved further down to road to Fernie, where the Ghostbusters were fresh off of a rare 2-1 defeat to the Creston Valley Thundercats. It had all the makings of a barnburner but with the enthusiasm that the Storm brought early in the game the only thing that was on fire was the Ghostbusters.

Led by league leading point getter, Martin Croteau, Fernie jumped to a 2-0 first period lead and never looked in doubt the rest of the way as they cruised to a 4-1 win over the Storm on Saturday. They out-skated and out worked a Storm team that showed little discipline in racking up 7 first period penalties and only giving up one power play marker. In all, Fernie scored 3 power play markers and Kamloops scored one.

Coach Perrier had a number of issues to address after two straight road losses and may have made some headway in a team meeting Sunday morning before heading to Golden.

When the Storm hit the ice in Golden they looked like a different team. There were some lines shuffled and a sense of urgency in their pace. In the first period the teams played pretty much even with lots of energy. In the 2nd period the Storm outskated, out-hustled, out-mustled and out disciplined Golden building an commanding 3-0 lead. The Storm seemed to be on their way to a solid victory.

Then something happened in the 3rd period to change the momentum. Kamloops began to have discipline challenges that left them short-handed to a rejuvenated Golden Jets team who came out banging and crashing in the 3rd period. With 3:36 remaining in the game, Mac Thiessen scored the Jets 2nd power play goals of the period with a howzer of a shot over the headed of a dipping Anthony Manfredi and nicely tucked under the crossbar.
The Jets continued with the sustained pressure and pulled their goaltender. Kamloops got lucky and got the puck into the Jets zone and scored and empty netter with 29 seconds remaining.

It's 2 points that the Storm needed. They have struggled on the road and this was their first road-win of the season.

My weekend 3 stars: Anthony Manfredi, Anthony Collins and Ryan Bullock.


Storm off to Rockie Start

Long day on the road steals their legs!

The Kamloops Storm hit the road for the first time in 4 weeks and it started out rocky. After an 8hr bus ride to the East Kootenays, the Storm hit the ice against the Columbia Valley Rockies in Invermere. Although it was a beautiful day to travel, coach Perrier must have wondered why he just didn't keep on going.

By the mid point of the first period, Kamloops witnessed it's own storm... and it wasn't pretty. Back-up goaltender Bobby Derkson got his first start of the season and was greeted with an offensive barrage from the Rockies, led by fire-cracker Cody Steele. Steele was in on 3 of the first 4 Rockies goals and ended up with 3 assists, one goal and first star honours. Derkson on the other hand got the mercy hook after the third goal, a short-handed tally by Chad Wloderek.

The Storm looked sluggish most of the evening, making defensive mistakes caused by intense forechecking pressure by the Rockies. League leading goal scorer Brett Bjorkman was a dominant presense all night. Although he ended up with only one assist, Bjorkman carried the puck well and positioned himself all evening so to draw attention from the Storm defenders and opening up the ice for his smurf linesmates, Steele and Justin Brown.

Kamloops did have a couple of bright spots.
Anthony Manfredi did a commendible job between the pipes after replacing Derkson.
Anthony Collins came to play, scoring 2 goals.
Ryan Bullock struggled with his shooting hands but came up big by using them for another important purpose, KO ing Rockie tough guy, Joey McEwen, who took liberty of laying out Bullock with a vicious crosscheck earlier in the game. Bullock took a little longer this night, having to land 2 punches instead of one.

Kamloops ended up outshooting the Rockies 38 - 33. Rockies goaltenter Carson Loveday looked solid but the Storm made him look good but throwing shot after shot into his belly and pads.

Let hope for a better team effort against the league leading Fernie Ghostbusters on Sat. night.


Austin is GOODE!

Rookie sensation Austin Goode showed why he will be a force to be reckoned with in the KIJHL. This past weekend Goode doubled his season point production with a goal on Friday night against Columbia Valley and exploded into the top 20 point getters in the league with a 6 point extravaganza against Summerland in a lopsided Kamloops Storm10-5 victory on Saturday.

Goode had a 3 goal - 3 assists performance giving him 14 points on the season. He joins teamates Jassi Sanga (22pts) and captain Jacob Young (18pts) in the league's top 20 point getters. His 7 goals places him 2nd on the team in goals behind Young.

Austin seems to have a nose around the net, consistently finding rebounds and loose pucks and burying them with catlike quickness. This soon-to-be 17 year old Kamloops native is starting to make a big impact. Playing on a line with Lundy Trenaman and Anthony Collins, Goode and his partners are taking some of the heat off of the first line of Sanga, Young, and Scott Gardner. As opposition teams key in on Sanga's line with their best checkers, the Goode line is free to wheel.

A Gordie Howe Weekend!

Ryan Bullock established himself as one of the premier tough guys in the league. Blessed with a gifted set of hands, Bullock not only is starting to find the net but also set the standard by KO'ing Columbia Valley's Calvin Bohdan with one swat in Friday night's game. Bullock came back on Saturday and contributed with a goal and an assist, doubling his output for the season to 3 goals and 1 assist in 4 games.