
3 Game Sweep Extends Storm Lead Atop Standings

Captain David Gore on a Tear!

It was a near perfect weekend for the Kamloops Storm as they played 3 days in a row and came away with 3 victories. Every game was tight, especially the Sunday game against Creston, where the Storm got a lucky bounce off the butt of the referee when David Gore capitalized scoring the game tying goal with 34 seconds left on the clock.

Gore had a tremendous weekend scoring 5 goals and adding 2 helpers. Previously David had been playing well and getting assists but this weekend he was gold on the goal scoring trail and has now moved up into a tie with Scott Kirkham, leading the team in points with 25.

On Friday night the Sicamous Eagles were in town trying to make amends for the poddy-kicking (8-1) they received from the Storm the previous week, on home ice no less. The game was a close affair with both goaltenders posting big save after big save. It was an Italian standoff as Storm goaltender Anthony Manfredi out duelled the Eagles stopper, Delaney Minichiello.
Gore had the hat-trick, including an empty netter to seal the win at 4-1. It was a good game, with both teams playing hard. Kamloops really didn't shake the Eagles until late in the 3rd period when it was still tied at 1-1.

Saturday night in Summerland saw Jose Reyes as the dominant player on the ice as Kamloops rolled to a 4-2 win over the Sting. Kirkham, McCance and Brandon Long (just back from injury) scored the other goals. Gore has a lone assist.

Then of course, there was Sunday's tilt against the Creston Thunder Cats. Loaded with past Kamloops Minor hockey products in Silverston, Miller and the Moen brothers (Kolton, Brodie), the Thunder Cats proved a tough opponent. Creston is in 4th place in a tough division but has a few games in hand on the divisional leaders (Fernie, Columbia Valley, Golden). Goaltender Wade Waters was stellar however Kamloops goalie, Anthony Manfredi was equal to the task and then out duelled Waters in the shootout.

The Storm's next home game doesn't get any easier as the league's best record in the Nelson Maple Leafs comes to town. It should be an epic battle.

Quick Notes:

Darren Mann is back in town and expects to start skating this week after rolling over on his ankle on Thanksgiving weekend.

Jamie Galbraith is day-to-day (groin).

Daniel Medland-Marchen is also day-to-day with a strained glutimus-maximus.

Christian Pedersen may be done for awhile. He is in Calgary getting an MRI done on his knee and may need arthroscopic surgery. We will hear more this week.

James Friedel remains snake bitten in the goal scoring department. He missed a wide open net on Friday night's game against the Eagles. Friedel has been playing hard and coaches Patterson and Passmore have rewarded him, Tyler Jackson and Taylor Stuart with more ice time recently because of their dependable play. On Sunday, Friedel was moved back to defence to replace Medland-Marchen and played pretty well. I don't think he wants to stay there though.


Watch for the Kamloops Storm Profiles to start here on the blog. Along with the profiles, the Storm will be running an ongoing fan & player participation contest (of sorts). Contributing fans will be able to secure discount coupons from our profile sponsor... Dolson's Source for Sports and the players will be competing for a prize, also contributed by Dolson's... the only thing holding us up are the delinquent profiles required from a few...ahem... star players.
It will be fun and everyone is encouraged to participate. In the end, we would like to also create the largest team profile website in the province... Stay Tuned.

here's a hint... dig up some old or recent photos of your favorite Storm player, we are gonna need them.


Thanks to Barry Dewar for the Volunteer Appreciation pizza-fest after Sunday afternoon's game.

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