
Eagles Tie Series

Kamloops Creating Their Own Storm

I don't know where the Sicamous Eagles have found their energy but they just keep going on and on like the Energizer Bunny. Blessed with 2 capable goaltenders and more depth than I personally gave them credit for, Sicamous has been full value for their effort and particularly their win over the Storm in Game 2.

On the other hand... What's going on with the Storm? Granted, they hit a few crossbars and the Sicamous goaltending has been exceptional. However the lack of finish in the offensive zone and the absence of intensity in the defensive zone (which was observed and commented on late in the season as team went on cruise control), has come back to kick them in the butt. The perception that the team could come and play the last period and walk out with a win is delusional and can ultimately be their demise. It's an attitude of complacency that has been visible since the Christmas break but until now it has been of little consequence.

This is the playoffs. Time to kick it up a notch.

We will see how the Storm handles their personal adversity as Game 3 and 4 proceed tonight and tomorrow night in Sicamous. Let's hope that they bring their "A" game for the whole game. I selfishly hope that Monday night's OT loss to the Eagles wasn't our last broadcast of the season... I too am unprepared for an earlier exit than expected.

Your comments are welcome.

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