
Nov.6th,7th,10th results and 12-14th games

Saturday night Nov.6th the Kamloops Storm played host to the Penticton Lakers and came away with a 3-1 win over the Lakers.Scoring for the Storm were Josh Rasmussen from Chase Edwards, and Logan Hawgood,Bevin Ollek assisted by Brody Moen and Payton Schaefer,and Kurt Torbohm rounded out the scoring assisted by Jordan Groenheyde and Duncan Schultz.Sunday afternoon Nov.7th the Storm took on the Revelstoke Grizzlies in a game in which half the proceeds from the game went to the Crohns and Colitis fund.The Storm hammered the Grizzlies 5-1.Scoring for the Storm were Brody Moen assisted by Payton Schaefer and Mike Mccance,Brody Moen with his 2nd of the game assisted by Tyler Jackson and Kurt Torbohm,Bevin Ollek assisted by Logan Hawgood and Mike Mccance,Kurt Torbohm assisted Kieran Spice and Duncan Schultz,and rounding out the scoring for the Storm was Payton Schaefer assisted by Brody Moen and Logan Hawgood.All the Storm goals came on the power play.Nov.10th the Kamloops Storm traveled to Penticton to face the Lakers in a rare mid week game for the Storm.Kamloops came out on top defeating the Lakers 2-1.Scoring for the Storm were Tyler Jackson assisted by Duncan schultz and Bevin Ollek and Tyler Jackson assisted by Chase edwards and Mike Mccance.Witht he win the Storm move to 500 on the season.Upcoming action for the Kamloops Storm sees the team travel to Sicamous to face the Eagles fri.Nov.12th and than Sicamous visits the Macarthur Island Sports Center Nov.13th and finally Nov.14th the North Okanogan Knights visit the Sports Center.

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